Download java 1.4 2 for windows 10 64 bit.Java Runtime Environment 64-bit

Download java 1.4 2 for windows 10 64 bit.Java Runtime Environment 64-bit

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Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition _06 



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Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Connect and share windods within нажмите для деталей single location that is structured and easy to search. Just out of curiosity: If you know a version which is available under more liberal terms, please let me know. No, I don't want to discuss why we are still running BEA 8. I accept your condolences though. You're not in a nice place :. However, if you app is running out of memory and you've squeezed every ounce of performance you could, you could always deploy your app in a cluster.

Oh yes there is. For some reason Sun has just decided to hide it as good as they could. You can download it from Sun's SAP site.

This version of the J2SE 1. If anyone knows of a version which is available under more liberal terms, please let me know. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked wundows years, 9 months ago. Active odwnload years, 8 months ago.

Sownload 9k times. Is there a 64 bit version of Java 1. Improve this question. Ludwig Weinzierl Ludwig Weinzierl If it's available from Sun, it'll be in the archive area. Java SE 6. WebLogic 8. They are out of support. Any k employee company that is running "enterprise" download java 1.4 2 for windows 10 64 bit with no support and with known, unfixable security bugs in the underlying JVM, deserves to be questioned.

Cheeso: I know that, you know that, but whining doesn't help me here and now to get that piece of software running;- — Ludwig Ddownload Aug 26 '09 at You mean I could buy a 64 bit version of Java 1. Do you have a link? Add a comment. Active Rownload Votes. I think IBM had a 1. Improve this читать полностью. Tommy Tommy 3, 8 8 gold badges нажмите сюда 33 silver badges 59 59 bronze badges.

You jxva not be able to use this JVM with any thing else other than the product it shipped with. IBM license terms very clear on this. However, download java 1.4 2 for windows 10 64 bit you app is running out of memory and you've squeezed every ounce of performance you could, you could always deploy your app in a cluster This way, you could spread out the memory load. Ryan Fernandes Ryan Fernandes 7, 7 7 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 52 52 bronze badges.

Tom Hawtin: Thanks for the comment, I didn't notice that. Updated my question. This is a very short conversation. If they don't have jRockit 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email sindows Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Where design meets development at Stack Overflow.

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